Monday, April 14, 2014

By: Natalia Alzate
Christopher Berry
Norbert Kuter
Mark Miniconzi
Maria Sevilla

 Parador Rojo is a family owned business that opened in 2002. It's located at 344 Morris Ave, Elizabeth, NJ. Their philosophy is to serve traditional Colombian food within the community and to better their community surrounding the restaurant.

The purpose of this report is to learn about the Management Information Systems of Parador Rojo and how those systems allow this company to carry out their day to day operations. In this report the process which we will be focusing on is Parador Rojo’s Order Fulfillment process. We are going to talk about how this process works and how it has helped the restaurant improve in productivity and quality. We are also going to talk about their business strategy and how they try to differentiate themselves from their many competitors in Morris Avenue and the surrounding area. Lastly, we are also going to provide the restaurant with some recommendations which we believe will help them improve in the upcoming years. 

Parador Rojo is a family owned restaurant and bakery that was established in 2002 and it is solely owned by Orlando Alzate. Mr. Alzate used to be a construction worker with no prior experience in the restaurant industry but his passion for Colombian food is what drove him to open up his own business. The restaurant focuses in serving traditional Colombian food which includes empanadas, bandeja paisa, corn cakes, etc.  The restaurant is located in 344 Morris Ave in Elizabeth, New Jersey. Morris Avenue was chosen as the restaurant’s location because it is well known for drawing in the Colombian community as well people from other nationalities due to the many restaurants which are located here.

The restaurant industry is a very competitive industry and Parador Rojo has been doing relatively well compared to its competition. Parador Rojo’s main competition in the area is La Fogata, La Cantera and Brisas Colombianas all of which specialize in Colombian food. At the moment Parador Rojo is only in one location and its size is average when compared to the rest of the restaurants in the area. For example, La Fogata fits about twenty tables while Parador Rojo fits only twelve tables. Parador Rojo currently has 12 employees whose job titles are cooks and waitresses. Even though the restaurant is average size it still needs a lot of employees because there are days when they get busy, especially on weekends.


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